Saturday, August 1, 2009


Click on this to Zoom In!

Be afraid! Be VERY AFRAID!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Republicans Will Have To Win Me Back, Fair & Square

A few weeks ago a friend of mine introduced me (via e-mail) to a local Republican political aspirant who is claiming to be a conservative. I will leave his last name out of it for the time being.

The exchange went as chronicled below.

Political Aspirant:
I believe we have to play under a big tent. The liberals who wish to reinvent the constitution, destroy the sacrament of marriage and turn our economy into Europe's are playing under a big tent. We must as well. There will no doubt be debate and argument under our tent, but better that it's OUR tent that we're under and not theirs. (My comment: As a voter why the heck should I care WHOSE tent it is. You work for me! It's not the other way around.)

Right now, we're forced to play under their tent and it's ruining our Country. Just because Rick (LAZIO... who I believe is a Catholic) was not "as" pro-life as we may have wanted, doesn't mean I shouldn't be proud to have his support or to support him. That's my feelings on it. Just being honest. Of course, the other side would lie or dance around it.

Here is my reply:

Dear Xxxx: Thanks for your thoughtful response.

A few observations though, if I may:

I'm more concerned with the "conservatives" who have already bargained much of our freedoms away under the banner of the Republican party.

It is "big tent conservatives" that have helped ruin the economy, family and many various freedoms as a result of "trying to appear mainstream". They have squandered away years of progress in the name of "big tent politics". This can not be blamed just on the Bush administration but on Republican senators & congressmen who appear to have no real understanding of the meaning of the word "conserve" when it comes to the Constitution and so many other time tested values.

A lesson from history if I may: Before WW-II Neville Chamberlain was considered a "big tent guy". Churchill was not. Churchill was considered an ultra right winger. It took continued bombing from their friends the Germans (and a lot of political failure on the part of Churchill before the war) to wake up the British electorate. Yet Churchill remained who he was before the war, during the war, and after the war. That is integrity. Integrity is as essential today as it was then (perhaps more so).

You and I would not be in this position if the last 3 Republican administrations had been less "conciliatory" towards Marxism & Globalism and issues that have to do with the rights of the American worker (NAFTA, CAFTA, etc...) and the family (abortion).

I have never believed that Radical Islam was the number one enemy of our nation. I have come to the conclusion that the Republocrats use this scare tactic because they can. Contrastingly, the Demicins cozy up to radical Islam and support puppets like BHO because they feel that the “enemy of their enemy is their friend”. And since they have the "old media" on their side they can do it for a few years longer.

I no more fear BHO’s Islamic roots than I do the very Marxist roots in many Republicans. Those Marxist roots came from our terrific public education system.

The real scourge which is killing our nation is ABORTION. And while both parties play with the issue (neither wanting the issue to go away very much because they both receive political capital from the “dangling carrot of abortion”) FORTY FOUR HUNDERED babies die each day and FORTY FOUR HUNDERED American men and women are psychologically & spiritually scarred for the rest of their lives by the ravages that abortion and the contraceptive mentality cause.

At least the minorities that are taking over our country have enough self respect to multiply. Perhaps they are more deserving than we. At least when it comes to believing in God, they put their money where their mouth is.

Respectfully yours

PS: A friend of mine chimed in with the following:
"We are 63 trillion in debt. We can't just blame the democrats for that. Good job.
Campaign for Liberty is my only affiliation with the GOP.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

SSPX Excommunication Removed

The Holy Father Removes Excommunication of SSPX Bishops

Dear friends:

This may appear as a blip on many Catholic websites… but it is really HUGE positive news even if you think it does not affect you.

This simple act of charity & bravery by the Holy Father (the lifting of the excommunications) corrects the false assumption that SSPX is a schismatic group. The process of regularization will continue… and the effects on the local Church will be positive. There will be many who will try to derail this process of reconciliation on both ends of the ecclesial spectrum.

Let us pray that the valid doctrinal concerns that members of the SSPX have with the present modernist interpretation of the Council documents is addressed in honest and frank discussion and continued reform.
The demographic decline of Catholic culture is evidence itself of the vacuous theology that seminaries have been pushing for the last 40 years). And yet the SSPX communities are filled with young & growing families and numerous vocations! Why is that? John Paul II himself stated that the loss of faith among Catholics today amounted to a "silent apostasy". Any of us who are paying attention know that false ecumenism, defective historical criticism,tacit acceptance of contraception and sodomy and even rejection of certain parts of scripture by the many bishops & priests have essentially created a "hermeneutic of rupture".

The SSPX has much to teach the Universal Church. Their priests maybe suspended (ironically), but they know more about Catholic doctrine than most bishops do… and yet for them to help reform and reorient the faithful, these priests must become regularized.
Pictured above a young and older Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the Society of Saint Pius X.

In an age where your average bishop is likely to go out of his way to meet & pray with Hindus, Seikhs, Moslems, Jews & Protestants… and yet where he will predictably shrink away from meeting regularly with any serious lovers of Catholic tradition , this olive branch by the HolyFather sends a signal of paternal love and authentic ecumenism (if there is such a thing).

The Holy Father seems interested in engaging in a real two way discussion which will help both parties. This is indicative of the `papacy of reason' which he has now become famous for.

We as individuals should also engage in that discussion. An honest appraisal of the loss of sacred tradition is not just within the purview of a bishop… it is also essential for the individual Catholic layman and lay woman if we intend to deepen our own understanding of the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ in imitation of His Most Holy Mother (who pondered these mysteries in her Immaculate Heart).